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July 2016

Working in insurance keeps you young

Don Ruschak is 85 years old – and he still goes to work at his insurance agency in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, every day. Don has been licensed with Motorists Mutual Insurance Co. since 1957, and he opened Ruschak Associates Insurance and Real Estate nearly 60 years ago.

What motivates Don to keep working? His desire to help people. He told the Herald-Standard (Uniontown, Pennsylvania), “I love helping people, especially those who are going through a rough time.”

Feeling young is another motivation for Don. “Working helps me to stay youthful. I tell other seniors to keep working as long as they can. The longer you work, the better you feel.”

Motorists is proud to partner with hardworking agents like Don who are dedicated to caring for their policyholders. 

Read more about Don here.