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January 2019

BrickStreet agents: Your clients can rely on our 24-hour safety hotline

At BrickStreet, we’re committed to providing superior solutions and service. We have many tools to help your policyholders maintain safe workplaces, like our dedicated team of safety and loss professionals, the SafetySource web-based resource center and online safety video streaming.

An additional resource you can share is our 24-hour safety hotline, which connects policyholders with a safety and loss consultant to discuss immediate issues and receive real-time responses.*

Our hotline is available to discuss sudden issues or situations that could pose a threat to employees. If a worksite becomes dangerous, a call to the hotline can open a discussion about initial safety steps.

The hotline number should not be used to schedule BrickStreet safety services such as on-site inspections or trainings. In case of emergency, always dial 911 first.

To access the hotline, policyholders can call our toll-free number 866-452-7425, and dial ext. 4360 when prompted.

*Disclaimer: BrickStreet may make recommendations for changes based upon your comments to us. We do not undertake to perform the duty of any person to provide for the health and safety of your employees or the public. We do not warrant that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with laws, regulations, codes or standards. Our services are not a substitute for legal advice and do not replace your obligations to report to federal and state regulators.