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December 2018

Regional Standard Team now offering 360° model for small accounts in footprint

At BrickStreet, we want to do everything we can to help your business thrive. We have developed a new team to help provide the best products and service for your policyholders. The Regional Standard Workers' Compensation Team focuses on policies outside of West Virginia with annual premiums less than $50,000.

The team will offer a broader appetite for workers' compensation policies and remove premium restrictions across the footprint, as well as utilize the BrickStreet 360° business model to drive down claims costs and reduce total cost of risk. This includes enhanced return to work services and nurse case management assistance to ensure appropriate medical treatment. We focus on early intervention when a claim is filed to shorten the duration of the injury, and ultimately, to reduce the cost of the claim.

In addition, policyholders have free access to SafetySource videos and materials to help them prevent incidents before they happen, and our suite of online tools gives you and your clients ease of business and peace of mind. Our customer-focused technology gives you access to view all policy and claims data, including adjuster notes, reserves and claim action plans. You and your policyholders also can take advantage of StreetConnect, an easy online tool to access resources and view policy and claims activity. You can utilize StreetConnect to create and review quotes and proposals.

We will work with you to better serve your policyholders, including offering flexible payment options - like paying month-to-month based on actual payroll. For policyholders with seasonal employees, this advantage guarantees they’re paying only for the coverage they need.

Let’s discuss the benefits of a workers’ compensation policy for small business owners and their most valuable assets: their employees. For training or questions, contact your BrickStreet representative.